AMERICAN STUDIES                  Social Responsibilities Unit Assessment

                                                            In-Class Essay

Name __________________



____  Ideas and Development

   15                        __  You wrote approximately 400-500 words on the assigned topic

                                __  Clear, concise thesis statement on whether the needs of society or the needs of the

individual are more important  (underline your thesis)

                                __  Strong elaboration, using supporting details, facts, and examples as part of your

                                                Evidence from the readings and research


                                __  You showed good judgment in your choice of details

                                __  Clear focus on given topic



____  Organization


Intro                       __  Clear, effective introduction: lead, explain the lead, overview of the issue listing both        sides of the issue, your thesis.


individual              __  Intelligent argument regarding when the needs of the individual outweigh the

                                                need for social responsibility, including reference to at least one literary work

                                                and one historical event we have studied


society                   __  Intelligent argument regarding when the need for social responsibility outweighs

                                                the needs of the individual, including reference to at least one literary work

                                                and one historical event we have studied


conclusion             __  restate the thesis, briefly mention both sides of issue, Intelligent discussion explaining your personal leaning on the issue, hook back to the lead.


                                __  Intelligent paragraphing that helps your reader (logical flow of thoughts and

                                                one topic per paragraph)

                                __  Excellent detail in each of your body paragraphs

                                __  Your personal view was saved for the end

                                __  Clear, effective transitions

                                __  Effective conclusion that does not merely repeat your introduction



____  Sentence Fluency, Voice, and Word Choice

    10                       __  Sentences flow smoothly and are of varied structure

                                __  Vivid word choice shows you are committed to your viewpoint

____  Conventions

   10                        __  Neat and legible (in ink)

                                __  correct spelling, punctuation, and usage

                                __  correct sentences are not fragments, run-ons, or comma splices



____  Total Score
