The Crucible  Act IV worksheet: pages 1154 – 1167


Answer each question with a complete sentence. Put your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


1. What worries Parris when he meets with Danforth at the beginning of Act IV?


2. What does Parris propose to Danforth?


3. Summarize Hales’s argument favoring Proctor’s confession.


4. Why does Danforth arrange a meeting between John and Elizabeth Proctor?


5. What might have motivated Abigail to leave Salem?


6. Do you think John Proctor made the right decision?


7. How did you react to the ending of the play?


8. Fear and suspicion are infectious and can produce a mass hysteria. Danforth and Hathorne used this fear to their advantage. This might be a theme presented in The Crucible. Some say that the current White House administration used fear and suspicion with a manipulation of “terrorist alert levels” to their advantage in the last national election of 2004. Do you agree or disagree?


9. It is more noble to speak your mind and get into trouble, than to stay silent and not get into any trouble. Agree or disagree?


10. Could a tragedy like the Salem witch trials occur today? Explain.