The Crucible  Act I worksheet: pages 1089 – 1111


Answer each question with a complete sentence. Put your answers on a separate sheet of paper.



1. What is Betty’s condition as the play opens?


2. What were the girls doing the night before?


3. What is Abigail’s prior relationship with the Proctor’s?


4. Who is Reverend Hale? Why is he summoned to Salem?


5. Reverend Parris finds the young girls dancing in the woods. What is Rev. Parris most concerned about?


6. What evidence suggests that sharp divisions/conflicts exist among the people of Salem?


7. When Reverend Parris leaves the room, the girls talk in private. What does their discussion reveal?


8. In Act I, the reader gets some background on the characters as the hysteria about witchcraft begins to brew. What is the disagreement/conflict between Proctor and Reverend Parris?


9. What is the disagreement/conflict between Proctor and Putnam?


10. What does the dialogue reveal about Abby as she talks with Proctor?


11. Summarize Act I with at least THREE important pieces of information or events that occurred.


12. Based on information in Act I, name two other characters who might be accused of being witches.


13. The author, Arthur Miller, in Act I, suggests that the Salem hysteria was not so much about religion and witches. What do you think the main idea or theme of the play is, so far?


14. How is Abigail like Gatsby? Include two details that show their similarities?


15. Why do you think Abigail accuses Tituba of being the cause of all the problems?