TTTC quiz 5: chapters 15-18



1. What does Bowker realize when he returns from the war?

            A. He’s emotionally scarred.

            B. He has nowhere to go.

            C. He disgraced his family.

            D. He wants to go back.


2. What medal did Bowker not win?

            A. The Purple Heart

            B. The Bronze Star

            C. The Air Medal

            D. The Silver Star


3. Whom couldn’t Bowker save?

            A. Kiowa

            B. O’Brien

            C. Dobbins

            D. Cross


4. How does Kiowa die?

            A. He is shot.

            B. He is blown up.

            C. He is stabbed.

            D. He drowns.


5. How does Bowker imagine his father would console him?

            A. He would tell him there was nothing he could’ve done.

            B. He would say that war is crazy.

            C. We would mention all the medals that he received.

            D. He would say his mother is proud of him anyway.


6. Who asked O’Brien to write “Speaking of Courage?”

            A. Dobbins

            B. Cross

            C. Bowker

            D. Azar


7. How did Bowker commit suicide?

            A. He hanged himself.

            B. He shot himself.

            C. He poisoned himself.

            D. He jumped off a building.


8. Why does O’Brien think he fared better than Bowker after the war?

            A. He was emotionally stronger.

            B. He had better family support.

            C. He actually liked the war.

            D. He had his writing.


9. Why did Bowker not like the original published story?

            A. It didn’t mention Kiowa.

            B. It made him look bad.

            C. It was poorly written.

            D. It brought back bad memories.


10. What does O’Brien want to stress about Bowker?

            A. He should’ve saved Kiowa.

            B. He was a really funny guy.

            C. He didn’t lack courage.

            D. He shouldn’t have killed himself.


11. What does Cross decide to do in the wake of Kiowa’s death?

            A. Leave the war and go home

            B. Write Kiowa’s parents a letter

            C. Punish the men responsible

            D. Commit suicide


12. What does Azar do while searching for Kiowa’s body?

            A. He visibly shakes.

            B. He jokes around.

            C. He doesn’t say a word.

            D. He refuses to search.


13. What does Cross think about while writing the letter?

            A. He never wanted to be a leader.

            B. He’s not a very good writer.

            C. Why Martha doesn’t love him.

            D. When he’ll get home.


14. Why does the young soldier want to find Kiowa so badly?

            A. So he can come to terms with Kiowa’s death

            B. Because Kiowa owed him a lot of money

            C. So Kiowa can have a proper Christian burial

            D. Because Kiowa had a picture of his girlfriend


15. What is Cross thinking about after finding Kiowa’s body?

            A. Golf

            B. Martha

            C. Family

            D. Food


16. Where does O’Brien take Kathleen?

            A. To where he killed the Vietnamese man

            B. To where Bowker committed suicide

            C. to talk with Martha about Cross

            D. To where Kiowa drowned


17. What is Kathleen’s reaction to the spot where Kiowa died?

            A. She is interested

            B. She is bored

            C. She is scared

            D. She is antsy


18. What is Kathleen amused by?

            A. The beauty of the countryside

            B. The interpreter’s magic tricks

            C. A grazing water buffalo

            D. O’Brien’s old war stories


19. What does O’Brien leave in the water?

            A. Kiowa’s moccasins

            B. His old war diary

            C. Kiowa’s Bible

            D. Martha’s letters


20. What does Kathleen ask O’Brien when he gets out of the river?

            A. If he killed someone in the war

            B. Why he went to Vietnam

            C. If she can go back home

            D. If the old man is upset at him