TTTC quiz 3: chapters 9-11


1. Whom does Mark Fossie write a letter to?

            A. O’Brien

            B. His parents

            C. His girlfriend

            D. Cross


2. How does Mary Anne react to Vietnam?

            A. She loves it.

            B. She hates it.

            C. She likes helping people but doesn’t like the violence.

            D. She goes home.


3. What did Mary Anne do all night?

            A. Met with a secret lover

            B. Planned on escaping

            C. Went out on an ambush

            D. Met with Fossie


4. What does Mary Anne tell Fossie after she’d been missing for three weeks?

            A. She loves him.

            B. She’s going back the USA.

            C. He needs to leave the war.

            D. He doesn’t understand Vietnam.


5. What does Kiley say happened to Mary Anne?

            A. She became one with the jungle.

            B. She married Fossie.

            C. She traveled the world.

            D. She went home and went to college.


6. What does Dobbins wear around his neck?

            A. His mother’s silver cross

            B. A beaded rosary

            C. His girlfriend’s pantyhose

            D. His gold wedding ring


7. Why does Dobbins wear that object around his neck?

            A. For good luck

            B. To remind him of her

            C. He likes the way it feels

            D. He lost a bet


8. What does Dobbins inexplicably survive?

            A. Getting shot

            B. Getting Malaria

            C. Falling off a cliff

            D. Tripping a landmind


9. What happens to Dobbin’s girlfriend?

            A. She gets hit by a car.

            B. She dumps him.

            C. She reveals she’s pregnant.

            D. She comes to Vietnam.


10. What does Dobbins do in reaction to his girlfriend dumping him?

            A. He continues to wear the panty hose.

            B. He burns the panty hose.

            C. He commits suicide with the panty hose.

            D. He leaves the war to go home.


11. How long do the soldiers stay at the make-shift church?

            A. About 1 day

            B. About 1 week

            C. About 1 month

            D. About 1 year


12. Which of Dobbin’s possessions do the monks clean?

            A. His machine gun

            B. His knife

            C. His clothes

            D. His shoes


13. Why would Dobbins like to join the church?

            A. He’s a deeply religious man.

            B. He feels something is missing in his life.

            C. He wants to learn how to get to heaven.

            D. He would enjoy the community.


14. What does Kiowa say he wouldn’t enjoy?

            A. Being without God

            B. Being tortured

            C. Being alone

            D. Being a preacher


15. How does Dobbins feel the monks should be treated?

            A. They should be treated nicely.

            B. They should be ignored.

            C. They should be punished.

            D. They should be worshipped.