TTTC quiz 1: chapters 1-4


1. What distracts Cross constantly?

            A. His fear of death

            B. His thoughts about his family

            C. His unrequited love for Martha

            D. The safety of his fellow soldiers


2. Who is the narrator?

            A. Jimmy Cross                B. Ted Lavender

            C. Rat Kiley           D. Tim O’Brien


3. Who is shot and killed?

            A. Ted Lavender        B. Jimmy Cross

            C. Kiowa                  D. Rat Kiley


4. What do Kiowa and Bowker talk about?

            A. When the war will end

            B. World politics

            C. the brevity of life

            D. Their girlfriends back home


5. What does Jimmy do with Martha’s letters?

            A. He buries them

            B. He gives them to O’Brien

            C. He burns them

            D. He mails them to his parents


6. Whom does Cross go to visit?

            A. Tim O’Brien          B. His parents

            C. Martha                    D. Kiowa


7. When does Cross see Martha again?

            A. Immediately after the war

            B. Never

            C. At their college reunion

            D. On vacation in New York City


8. How does Martha react to Cross’s profession of love?

            A. She says nothing

            B. She tells him she loves him back

            C. She tells him she hates him

            D. She tells him she’s in love with someone else


9. What does Martha give Cross?

            A. A gold wedding ring

            B. One hundred dollars

            C. A handwritten letter

            D. A new picture of herself


10. What does Cross ask O’Brien to do in the book he is writing?

            A. Tell the truth

            B. Leave him out of it

            C. Make him look good

            D. Not write it at all


11. What do Dobbins and Bowker do in their foxhole?

            A. Read to each other

            B. Embrace

            C. Play checkers

            D. Write letters to their loved ones


12. What do the soldiers hire “poppa-san” to do?

            A. Guide them through a minefield

            B. Entertain them

            C. Cook local cuisine for them

            D. Train them


13. What does Kiowa teach Kiley and Jensen?

            A. How to build a fire

            B. Lessons from the Bible

            C. How to read

            D. A rain dance


14. Which soldier is dead in the tree?

            A. Kiowa         B. Bowker

            C. Cross           D. Lemon


15. What does Kiowa say to O’Brien after the young Vietnamese man’s death?

            A. O’Brien is a murderer

            B. O’Brien didn’t have a chance

            C. O’Brien is a hero

            D. It was an accident


16. How does O’Brien feel about the war after he graduates from college?

            A. He thinks the war is wrong

            B. He is in favor of the war

            C. He wants to fight for North Vietnam

            D. He doesn’t care at all about the war


17. What worries O’Brien about his potential flight to Canada?

            A. He fears the war will not be won without him

            B. He fears he will be caught

            C. He fears what his community will say about him

            D. He fears he will feel guilty about not going to war


18. How long does O’Brien stay at the Tip Top Lodge?

            A. 6 hours           B. 6 days

            C. 6 weeks          D. 6 months


19. What does O’Brien finally decide to do?

            A. Flee to Canada

            B. Stay with Elroy

            C. Find Martha

            D. Go to war


20. Why does O’Brien decide to go to war?

            A. He believes in the cause

            B. He’s too embarrassed not to

            C. He doesn’t want to go to jail

            D. Elroy tells him to go