Huckleberry Finn wkst 3

Chapters 21- 30


Directions: Answer each question with a complete sentence. Incorporate the question as part of the answer.


1. Contrast Tom Sawyer’s knowledge of books and the duke’s knowledge of Hamlet.


2. An amazing speech comes from a man who has just cold-bloodedly shot and murdered a defenseless drunk. Tell about that speech.


3. Huck still can’t distinguish between reality and fakery as illustrated by the circus performance. What happened during the circus?


4. The duke and dauphin rip off the townspeople with the production of The Royal Nonesuch. It was only successful because of the reaction of the audience. What did the audience do that made the next performance so successful?


5.  Huck is somewhat shocked that Jim loves his family as much as white men love theirs. Jim hears a thud in the distance which reminds him of something quite disturbing. What was this memory of Jim’s? What does this tell about Jim?


6. Huck gives his riches to the Widow Douglas to take care of. The Wilks sisters do the same with their money to their “English uncles.” Contrast these examples of adults taking care of minor’s money.


7. Huck finally acts on his conscience and takes concrete steps to thwart the scheme of the duke and dauphin. What does he do to save the Wilks sisters’ money?


8. The dauphin’s plan to liquidate the Wilk’s property will require the separation of a slave woman from her children. Miss Watson, a seemingly good person, was willing to sell Jim, thus separating that family. What is the difference between good people (Miss Watson) and bad people (the duke and dauphin) in this story?


9. The funeral scene is one of Twain’s brilliant comic set pieces. Describe that scene.


10. The real English uncles show up. How do the townspeople decide who is real and who is fake?