Huckleberry Finn wkst 2

Chapters 11- 20


Directions: Answer each question with a complete sentence. Incorporate the question as part of the answer.


1. Briefly discuss Mrs. Loftus. What is the difference in her dealing with Huck and that with Jim?


2. Huck wants to tie up to a wrecked steamboat to loot it, even against Jim’s objections. Tell about this “adventure.”


3. Why does Huck go for help for these robbers on the steamboat? How are these robbers different from Jim and Huck’s robberies?


4. Why does Huck apologize to Jim? What’s the story about that?


5. In chapter 16 Huck again makes up a story about his “family.” What is this story and how does this help?


6. The story of King Solomon is interesting. How is that story relevant to the issue of slavery in the South?


7. “Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.”

 Huck makes this statement while on the raft. Compare Huck and Jim’s life on the raft with adventures off the raft.


8. Huck encounters two men in trouble. Who are these men? Whom do they claim to be?


9. Nearly everyone Huck and Jim encounter on the river is unsavory or fake in one way or another. How do the duke and the dauphin use Jim to their advantage?


10. How do the duke and dauphin use the religious revival meeting as a scam?