AMERICAN STUDIES         Grading and Assessments


How Are Grades Assessed in American Studies?


The Grading Scale for American Studies is as follows:


93-100% = A                                                             

90-92.9% = A-                                   

87-89.9% = B+                      

83-86.9% = B

80-82.9% = B-

77-79.9% = C+

73-76.9% = C

70-72.9% = C-

67-69.9% = D+

60-66.9% = D

59.9% or less = F




There are two important things you have to do to pass:

1.      Achieve a 60% overall  in the class

2.      Do and meet standard on all Unit Assessments


Other Important Points to Consider:


·        In order to pass the class, you must DO and meet standard on all Unit Assessments. 


·        Unit Assessments will count for BOTH English and History courses.


·        For the Unit Assessments, you must turn in the assignment on time in order to receive full credit.


·        A reasonable effort is expected to be put forth the first time.


·        The FINAL Unit Assessment for each semester cannot be turned in late, since it acts as the final for that semester. 


·        Plagiarism is forbidden and has consequences.