We are a small flower farm on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. From Seattle, we are a ferry ride and an hour drive away. We have over 35 varieties of hydrangea plants. We feature a demonstration garden and sell hydrangea plants and fresh hydrangea flowers for weddings and occasions as well as dried hydrangea flowers.
We are open to the public by appointment only.
We are members of the Amercan Hydrangea Society, Friends of the Fields and Pick Your Own.
Welcome to a new year of growing! Hydrangea plants are ready for spring planting now. Contact us for varieties and sizes available. Fresh hydrangea flowers will be available starting early July. Please contact us for availability of colors. Dried hydrangea flowers available year round thru Etsy or us directly.
- Hydrangea Rangers
One half of the Hydrangea Rangers.
The other half of the Hydrangea Rangers.
Cut flowers for a wedding.
Drying our flowers.
People aren't the only ones that enjoy our flowers.
Bob and an order of fresh cut flowers for a florist.
Harvest time in the orchard.
Here's looking to a good spring.
Come back and see us soon.