Emerald City K-9 Freestyle Dancers Seminars and Workshops 

                                                          Carolyn Scott

To help our members grow in knowledge and love for the sport of Freestyle we try and have at least one seminar or workshop

a year. Our very first workshop put on by our club was with Carolyn Scott and Rookie whose video clip of “Your the One that I

Want” from Grease, on You Tube, has probably done more to bring people to the sport than anything else.. Here are photos

taken during that exciting workshop.  In our raffle one of our members, Sharon Lunde, won a chance to dance with Rookie at

our Fun Match…a memorable experience for her!


                                                       Diane Kowalski

The following year in 2006 we were privileged to have an excellent workshop with another Freestyle Great, Diane Kowalski.

 We had another Fun Match on Friday night followed by two wonderful days of training and comradeship with Diane and our
friends from all over the Northwest... Here are some photos taken at that seminar...