I-Search Paper Rubric

Name:                                                                                                                               Date:

Evaluation Panel:                                                                                                            Advisor:

Essential Question:


Exceptional = Pass (90 – 100)                        Satisfactory = Pass (70 – 89)             Unsatisfactory = Redo (0 – 69)


Assessment Summary: If any of the criteria below are missing, incomplete, or below standard, the I-Search paper will be considered incomplete and will not be eligible for evaluation until completed/brought to standard.

Note: Anything which impedes readability or gets in the way of understanding, such as frequency of errors or ineffective organization, will automatically qualify as a re-do.  The original and the rubric MUST be submitted along with the corrected paper.

                       Please indicate what needs to be completed/re-done in order for the student to pass.


Formatting and Conventions                                                              30 Points


Points Possible

Points Earned


Formatting per instructions

·   8 -10 pages 2000 – 2500 words

·   Double spacing

·   12 point Times New Roman or Arial

·   1 inch margins all round

Note: Photos, graphics, the précis, outline, table of contents, annotated bibliography, and appendix do not count toward the total page count



Formatting is a basic requirement. If it is not correct, the paper will be automatically handed back to be redone. Satisfactory will be the highest level of achievement possible for the redo.

Annotated Bibliography

·   10 Sources

o At least 2 primary sources

o At least 2 related books

o At least 10 references appear properly cited within the body of the paper

·   MLA Format

o Must include a 75-word annotation with each source listed. Annotations include a brief description of content and a comment upon the usefulness of the resource

Note:  A Satisfactory paper will have 1 or more citations per page; an Exceptional paper will have 2 or more citations per page




Conventions – Mechanical Correctness

·   Spelling (no misspellings or capitalization errors)





·   Punctuation (correct use of end marks, commas, quotation marks, dashes, colons, semicolons. . .)





·   Sentence structure (use of complete sentences, lack of comma splice errors and run-on’s; use of parallel structure where appropriate, modifiers not misplaced, etc.)






·   Usage (use of the correct word in the correct circumstance, agreement of pronouns and antecedents in standard, informal English)





To assess this section ask, “How much work would a copy editor need to do to prepare this piece for publication?”

Content, Organization, Style                                                                   70 Points


Points Possible

Points Earned




·   What I knew (or didn’t know) about the topic

·   Why I chose the topic (the essential question)


·   The journey or the search

·   Includes primary research with sources cited with in the paper and listed in the annotated bibliography

·   Includes secondary research with sources cited with in the paper and listed in the annotated bibliography

·   Includes illustrative details that are specific and precise


·   What I learned (or didn’t learn)





·   The introduction catches the audience’s attention and makes them want to read more.

·   The journey is presented in the best possible order and with the appropriate amount of time/attention is paid to each section – logical paragraphing and emphasis

·   Moves from section to section in ways that make reading enjoyable – transitions link ideas between and within paragraphs





·   Narrative form

·   First person point of view

·   Writing makes the audience care about the topic

·   Writing is as unique as the person who wrote it

·   The author respects who the audience is and what they need to know

·   Writing is energetic and expressive

·   The language is specific and precise to the needs of the paper

·   There is a variety of sentence types.




                                                                              Points earned     ______/100
